We have many inspiring stories of individuals who have become volunteers and helped make a positive step for themselves and made a difference to others.
Aileen’s Story
Aileen has been involved with the Ayrshire Community Trust and Volunteer Centre North Ayrshire in a variety of ways including training and community research.
Background information
Aileen has been registered unemployed for the past three years. However she has not worked in over 25 years due to her choice of staying at home to raise her family. She became estranged from her husband just over three years ago and had to face, not only the upset of the break, but having to move house and live on her own for the first time.
Barriers to work
Aileen had no recent work history for application forms and/or C.V. By attending training offered by and volunteering on a regular basis, Aileen has been able to start to build a recent checkable reference history.
Support was provided to allow Aileen to interact with others, such as phoning voluntary organisations to arrange visits and the subsequent visits.
At the beginning Aileen only wanted to attend the personal development course and she was supported with both emotional and financial (travel expenses reimbursed) support to achieve this.
Aileen then expressed an interest in Volunteering with a local charity shop. We were able to accompany Aileen on a site visit and also to offer her support in the form of a ‘buddy’ if she wished.
Having been successful in securing a placement she has also attended an interview for a paid job with the organisation she is volunteering with. Unfortunately she was unsuccessful but feedback from the interview was extremely positive and Aileen now feels more confident in applying for other positions.
Impact on her life
Aileen is now actively volunteering on a regular basis. She has more confidence in her approach to job applications and interviews which is also reflected in her private life.
“Attending the training from The Ayrshire Community Trust has helped boost my confidence and now that I am actually volunteering I feel that I am getting more and more skills to offer employers. I would recommend volunteering to anyone who isn’t working.”
Well done Aileen!