Each group should hold an annual general meeting. The date, time and venue must be advertised prior to the event. This can be done in a number of ways, for example:
- Leaflets to households within the groups defined area as stated in the constitution
- Posters around the area displayed in local amenities. For example: shops, library, post office and community centres
- A notice could be displayed in the facilities where the group regularly meets or in the window of it’s premises
At the AGM the following should be standard items on the agenda:
- Chair’s annual report
- Treasurers annual report
- Stand down of officers
- Nominations for officers
- Voting of officers
- Election of officers
Chairs Annual Report
This would contain information about the group over the last twelve months. For example, achievements of the group and any ongoing.
Treasurers Annual Report
This would be similar to the monthly report but would contain the end balance of the previous year’s report. All expenditure during the year and all income received during the year.
Stand Down of Officers
All officers must retire from their current roles enabling a fair nomination procedure to take place. All officers can be nominated for following year.
Nominations of Officers
Anyone can nominate a person or people for each committee role in accordance with the constitution. It is up to the group to decide whether the nominations have to be received prior to the AGM and in writing and also whether nominations will also be accepted at the AGM. A group may decide to take nominations verbally at the AGM. Any person nominated must be asked if they are willing to take up the role if successfully elected.
Voting of Officers
If more than one nomination is received for an officers post the group must have a vote. The group can decide whether the vote is a show of hands or written vote.
Election of Officers
An independent person must count the votes with a witness present. Once the votes are counted the results must be read to the group and announce the elected officer.
All the above procedures must be minuted Example of Minutes